

SCRAPBOOKING Gemstones & Perles (19 )

Gemstones & Perles

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Showing 1 - 19 from the total of 19

Belle Fleur Enamel Hearts

Price: 13,61 lei

Manuf.: Crafters Companion

Expedition: In stock

Winter Wonderland Glitter Enamel Dots

Price: 9,33 lei

Manuf.: Dovecraft

Expedition: In stock

Plastic raindrops / 6mm / 90g / pink

Price: 13,25 lei
Expedition: In stock

Sweet Baby Girl Enamel Words & Phrases

Price: 19,05 lei

Manuf.: Echo Park

Expedition: In stock

Sweet Baby Girl Enamel Shapes

Price: 19,05 lei

Manuf.: Echo Park

Expedition: In stock

A Perfect Christmas Enamel Phrases

Price: 19,05 lei

Manuf.: Echo Park

Expedition: In stock

Twas The Night Before Christmas Enamel Phrases

Price: 19,05 lei

Manuf.: Echo Park

Expedition: In stock

Adhesive Enamel Dots / 54pcs / Positive Life

Price: 9,72 lei

Manuf.: dp Craft

Expedition: In stock

Heart Charm 24x28 mm / 10pcs

Price: 3,74 lei
Expedition: In stock

Acrylic sticker Snowflakes, 1cmø / 36pcs

Price: 13,22 lei
Expedition: In stock

Adhesive Gems / purple

Price: 7,73 lei

Manuf.: SMT Creatoys

Expedition: In stock

Adhesive Gems / blue

Price: 7,73 lei

Manuf.: SMT Creatoys

Expedition: In stock

Back to Basics III Adhesive Gems

Price: 6,61 lei

Manuf.: Dovecraft

Expedition: In stock

Embellishments (39pcs) - Capsule - Geometric Neon

Price: 15,16 lei

Manuf.: Papermania

Expedition: In stock

Adhesive Enamel Dots / 60pcs / Me to You Sweet Shop

Price: 12,44 lei

Manuf.: Dovecraft

Expedition: In stock

Curls Around The World 3 (Pearls swirl)

Price: 5,25 lei

Manuf.: ScrapBerry's

Expedition: In stock

Curls Around The World 2 (Pearls swirl)

Price: 5,25 lei

Manuf.: ScrapBerry's

Expedition: In stock

Curls Around The World 1 (Pearls swirl)

Price: 5,25 lei

Manuf.: ScrapBerry's

Expedition: In stock

5mm Adhesive Stones (117pcs) - Purple

Price: 5,44 lei

Manuf.: Papermania

Expedition: In stock

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