

Beads & Jewelry (50 )

Beads & Jewelry

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Woven Style for the 15" Rigid Heddle Loom / Tamara Poff

Price: 1065,8 ₴
Expedition: In stock

A Weaver's Guide to Hemstitching Plus Needle

Price: 139,9 ₴

Manuf.: Schacht

Expedition: In stock

Weaving Rag Rugs / Tom Knisely

Price: 965,6 ₴
Expedition: In stock

Simple Weaves / Birgitta Bengtsson Björk, Tina Ignell

Price: 1433,3 ₴
Expedition: made-to-order

Ashford Book of Needle Felting / Barbara Allen

Price: 698,3 ₴

Manuf.: Ashford

Expedition: In stock

Wheel magazine N.35

Price: 86,1 ₴

Manuf.: Ashford

Expedition: In stock

Ashford Book of Rigid Heddle Weaving / Rowena Hart

Price: 731,5 ₴

Manuf.: Ashford

Expedition: In stock

Ashford Book of Carding / Jo Reeve

Price: 698,3 ₴

Manuf.: Ashford

Expedition: In stock

Jo Reeve / The Ashford Book of Hand Spinning

Price: 801,5 ₴

Manuf.: Ashford

Expedition: In stock

Elsa Krogh / The ashford book of weaving patterns from four to eight shafts

Price: 734,4 ₴

Manuf.: Ashford

Expedition: In stock

Deborah Jarchow / Rigid Heddle Weaving Basics and Beyond

Price: 927,6 ₴

Manuf.: Ashford

Expedition: made-to-order

Wooden beads / 9mm / 60pcs

Price: 68,7 ₴
Expedition: In stock

Beads - Letters / 5mm / 124pcs

Price: 50,6 ₴

Manuf.: dp Craft

Expedition: In stock

Beads - Letters / 5mm / 124pcs

Price: 50,6 ₴

Manuf.: dp Craft

Expedition: In stock


Price: 94,0 ₴

Manuf.: dp Craft

Expedition: In stock

PRECIOSA Seed Beads 10/0 (93140) N.24 / 20g

Price: 25,1 ₴

Manuf.: Preciosa

Expedition: In stock

PRECIOSA Seed Beads 10/0 (80010) N.2 / 20g

Price: 25,1 ₴

Manuf.: Preciosa

Expedition: In stock

PRECIOSA Seed Beads 10/0 (63080) N.31 / 20g

Price: 27,3 ₴

Manuf.: Preciosa

Expedition: In stock

PRECIOSA Seed Beads 10/0 (60030) N.12 / 20g

Price: 25,1 ₴

Manuf.: Preciosa

Expedition: In stock

PRECIOSA Seed Beads 10/0 (53410) N.27 / 20g

Price: 25,1 ₴

Manuf.: Preciosa

Expedition: In stock
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