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Czasopisma, książki, DVD Handwoven Home / Liz Gipson

Handwoven Home / Liz Gipson

Ostatni kawałek
Kod produktu BK1062
Dostępność dostępny
Sztuk w magazynie 1
Cena 149,5 zł
135,9 zł bez VAT
Ilość sztuk
Opis towaru

Hand towels, table runners, placemats, throws--weaving is perfectly suited to creating and customizing just about any textile for your home.

Handwoven Home, weaving expert Liz Gipson explains the tools and techniques you'll need to weave personalized home textiles on a rigid-heddle loom--the most popular loom on the market today. From choosing the right yarn for your project to achieving your desired cloth type and drape, this book covers all the basics. And the 20+ projects are perfectly suited to the rigid-heddle loom, each starting with a simple square or rectangle and involving little sewing, shaping or loom waste. You'll even learn how to make multiple towels at the same time, create a sturdy rug of wide fabric, and finish your projects with a polished, professional look. Whether you're making textiles for yourself or as a gift, inside you'll find everything you need to create a woven personal touch for any room.

Narazie żadne pozycje
From Polymer to Art - Triangles poprzedni produkt Handwoven Home / Liz Gipson  dalszy produkt Handwoven Table Linens / Tom Knisely

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